DCLA is a nonprofit organization whose board is a group of volunteers actively and proactively promoting the environmental interests of Upper Crooked Lake and build stewardship. Board members seek to inform and educate members, conduct on-going water quality testing, support aquatic invasive species control, respond to issues impacting or likely to impact the lake community by engaging appropriate units of government when needed and promote community activities and programs toward building stewardship. DCLA membership is open to all Upper Crooked Lake residents, front and back lot land owners. Membership dues are asked to be paid on an annual basis.
Current News
The DCLA Winter Social is on February 1, 2025 at the Delton VFW from 2 - 4 pm. Members and non members are welcome. There will be light appetizers and a cash bar.
Members watch your email inboxes for the 2025 Winter Bulletin set to be sent after the winter social.
Membership dues for 2025 are now being accepted. Click on the membership tab for payment options.
Joining DCLA!
Members get to know members and have a voice in the actions and activities of the lake association. Members can win members only prizes when becoming part of the fun from DCLA sponsored events. Members also receive 4 editions annually of the Crooked Lake Ripples Newsletter, a winter bulletin and advance notification by email of upcoming events or concerns. Members also have access to the leaf recycling area set up for DCLA leaf and limb composting.
Annual membership fee of $35 minimum is due annually at the beginning of each spring for members to remain current. Lake residents can join at anytime by paying the membership fee for the current year.. Donations above and beyond membership dues are always appreciated and will be used in accordance with DCLA’s mission of maintaining the quality of the lake environment.
Help CONTROL the spread of AIS— What can DCLA Members do:
Do your part to educate yourself and others regarding clean boats, clean waters.
Inspect and clean your boat and holding tanks before entering and leaving Crooked Lake.
If a Prairieville Township resident, attend Prairieville Township Parks and Recreation Board meetings, every 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Prairieville Township Offices.
Consider being a boat wash station volunteer! Contact deltoncrookedlakeassociation@gmail.com
Donate to DCLA above and beyond your membership dues to pay for stipends for volunteer staffing at the UCL boat wash station.
There are several methods for preventing the spread of AIS in Michigan lakes. The DCLA Board has researched resources and educational materials in order to stay abreast of effective options.
DCLA Board and Committee Vacancies
The DCLA Board is growing and has open positions. Click on the committees tab to see the list of openings. If you are interested in volunteering, click on the contact us button at the top of the website or email: deltoncrookedlakeassociation@gmail.com